icon Jamal


Jamal has a Student Support Group. The members are Jamal’s mother, Aida, Jamal’s teacher, Carly, and the Assistant Principal, Mr. Dennison.

Jamal has individual funding through the Program for Students with Disabilities. This funding is used to pay for a teacher assistant, Gen, for three hours a day, four days a week. Gen is also a member of Jamal’s Student Support Group.

Jamal has an individual package through the NDIS, which is used for weekly sessions with Sophie, a speech pathologist, and Marcus, an occupational therapist.

Jamal’s mother has been able to negotiate with the school for Sophie, the speech pathologist, to work with Jamal during a lunch time every second week. Sophie developed a meal-time support plan that can be used by the school, and supplement the one used at home. Sophie has also been able to share some suggestions with Jamal’s teacher for how to encourage Jamal to communicate with his teachers and classmates.

Marcus, an occupational therapist, works with Jamal at home every Wednesday afternoon. His mother collects him from school an hour earlier than usual so that he is not too tired for the session. Marcus is working mostly on Jamal’s fine motor abilities.

Jamal’s Student Support Group meet once every term. Marcus and Sophie can’t attend these meetings.

Sophie shares the mealtime plan with Jamal’s teacher and assistant principal, and Gen, the teacher assistant sits in on the sessions at the school. Sophie also uses this time to talk about how to encourage Jamal’s communication, including some basic signs she has been using with Jamal in the home sessions, which his mother participates in.

Marcus, the occupational therapist, has also provided a report with pictures to demonstrate what he is doing to improve Jamal’s fine motor functioning.